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Feb 7, 2025

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Partenope is a woman who bears the name of her city. Is she a siren or a myth?

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May 21, 2024

Parthenope’s fictional life story may actually not be as intriguing as Sorrentino thinks it is. A movie that begins with blistering sex appeal really starts to lose momentum in its third act.

Metacritic review by Gregory Ellwood
Gregory Ellwood
The Playlist
May 21, 2024

You could argue that Sorrentino is treading water after the deeply personal explorations in “The Hand of God,” but these are rich and mysterious waters to tread. “Parthenope” is a work of casual mastery; you could say that it’s great and it’s beautiful.

Metacritic review by Steve Pond
Steve Pond
May 21, 2024

There’s much to appreciate in Parthenope, Paolo Sorrentino’s second consecutive bittersweet paean to his home city of Naples. At least for a while, before the too-muchness of it takes hold and the character at the center stops being intriguing and just becomes a siren with an air of mystery but too little evidence of all that’s supposedly going on behind it.

Metacritic review by David Rooney
David Rooney
The Hollywood Reporter