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Thirteen-year-old Aviva Victor wants to be a 'mom'. She does all she can to make this happen and comes very close to succeeding, but in the end her sensible parents thwart her plan. So she runs away, still determined to get pregnant one way or another, but instead finds herself lost in another world, a less sensible one, perhaps, but one pregnant itself with all sorts of strange possibility. She takes a road trip from the suburbs of New Jersey, through Ohio to the plains of Kansas and back. Like so many trips, this one is round-trip, and it's hard to say in the end if she can ever be quite the same again, or if she can ever be anything but the same again.
- Ellen Barkin
- Christopher Penn
- Jennifer Jason Leigh
- Shayna Levine
- Stephen Adly Guirgis
- Emani Sledge
- Valerie Shusterov
- Hannah Freiman
- Rachel Corr
- Will Denton
Atom User Reviews
You love Solondz's films, you'll love Palindromes. That same twisted sense of humor is there and certain scenes go on for an uncomfortably long time, but you wind up savoring the discomfort.
Eric Campos
Film Threat
Mostly stiff acting and intentionally flat, banal dialogue.
Ken Tucker
New York Magazine (Vulture)
A shallow, transparent satire/social commentary, Palindromes lives and dies on a gimmick.
James Berardinelli
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