Pale Rider
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A mysterious preacher protects a humble prospector village from a greedy mining company trying to encroach on their land.
- Clint Eastwood
- Michael Moriarty
- Carrie Snodgress
- Chris Penn
- Richard Dysart
- Sydney Penny
- Richard Kiel
- Doug McGrath
- John Russell
- Charles Hallahan
Atom User Reviews
No actor is more aware of his own instruments, and Eastwood demonstrates that in Pale Rider, a film he dominates so completely that only later do we realize how little we really saw of him.
Roger Ebert
Chicago Sun-Times
This veteran movie icon handles both jobs with such intelligence and facility I'm just now beginning to realize that, though Mr. Eastwood may have been improving over the years, it's also taken all these years for most of us to recognize his very consistent grace and wit as a film maker.
Vincent Canby
The New York Times
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