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Movie Info & Cast
- Mahershala Ali
- Shariff Earp
- Duan Sanderson
- Alex R. Hibbert
- Janelle Monáe
- Naomie Harris
- Jaden Piner
- Herman 'Caheei McGloun
- Kamal Ani-Bellow
- Trevante Rhodes
Atom User Reviews
Woooo! I only vaguely knew what the movie was about...I wasn't prepared for the wave of emotions! Beautifully done, and very REAL.
There's no real plot line
Moonlight is gorgeous and yet bleak, uplifting and yet sobering, exhilarating but also grounded in some unshakable realities.

Moonlight is magic. So intimate you feel like you're trespassing on its characters souls, so transcendent it's made visual and emotional poetry out of intensely painful experience, it's a film that manages to be both achingly familiar and unlike anything we've seen before.

Moonlight is hypnotic not just as a character study, or as a coming-of-age story. It's hypnotic as a performance piece, full of flawless portrayals of a kid figuring out who he is, not just in relation to other people, but in relation to himself.