Mirror (Zerkalo)
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A dying man in his forties remembers his past. His childhood, his mother, the war, personal moments and things that tell of the recent history of all the Russian nation.
- Margarita Terekhova
- Oleg Yankovskiy
- Filipp Yankovskiy
- Ignat Daniltsev
- Nikolay Grinko
- Alla Demidova
- Yuriy Nazarov
- Anatoliy Solonitsyn
- Larisa Tarkovskaya
- Tamara Ogorodnikova
Atom User Reviews
Tarkovsky possessed a sensibility for, and mastery over, the cinematic form that few directors – before or after – have been able to match; a mastery evident in almost every sublime frame of Mirror.

Maximilian Von Thun
While there is barely a story to tie it all together, The Mirror finds connections in the longings of Alexei. He longs to understand his past, his land, his family, his inspirations and fears, and that’s what the movie is able to convey in its abstract but persuasive way.

Mark Chalon Smith
Los Angeles Times
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