Lust for Life (1956)
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The life of brilliant but tortured artist Vincent van Gogh.
- Kirk Douglas
- Anthony Quinn
- James Donald
- Pamela Brown
- Everett Sloane
- Niall MacGinnis
- Noel Purcell
- Henry Daniell
- Madge Kennedy
- Jill Bennett
Atom User Reviews
Minnelli and star Kirk Douglas give Vincent Van Gogh's famously tortured existence the melodramatic treatment in 1956's Lust For Life, and the result falls closer to high camp than high art.
Nathan Rabin
The A.V. Club
Lust for Life features exhilarating scenes of Van Gogh at work, often set in the locations of some of his most famous paintings and punctuated with close-ups of the original artwork. Like the 2017 animated experiment Loving Vincent, the movie functions not only as a biopic, but as an exercise in aesthetic reinterpretation.
Josh Larsen
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