Irma Vep
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Hong Kong starlet Maggie Cheung arrives in France to portray Irma Vep in a remake of Les Vampires (1915), but the production is plagued by behind-the-scenes intrigues.
- Maggie Cheung
- Jean-Pierre Léaud
- Nathalie Richard
- Antoine Basler
- Nathalie Boutefeu
- Alex Descas
- Dominique Faysse
- Arsinée Khanjian
- Bernard Nissile
- Olivier Torres
Atom User Reviews
Olivier Assayas's Irma Vep is a spicy, propulsive, invigorating paradox - a French film of great gusto about the exhaustion of French film culture. Written in 10 days and shot in four weeks with a very busy Super 16mm camera, it looks and plays as breathlessly as its on-the-fly circumstances. [27 July 1997, p.C8]
Jay Carr
Boston Globe
The 42-year-old Assayas demonstrates an assured light touch here, drawing expert comic performances from Cheung, Richard and Ogier while using a 16mm hand-held camera to lend the film a live, experimental quality. It dovetails neatly with a surreal and quite hilarious ending that carries the technique - and Vidal's cinematic pretensions - to their logical conclusion. [26 Sept 1997]
John Hartl
The Seattle Times
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