House of Flying Daggers (Shi mian mai fu)
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A romantic police captain breaks a beautiful member of a rebel group out of prison to help her rejoin her fellows, but things are not what they seem.
- Takeshi Kaneshiro
- Andy Lau
- Ziyi Zhang
- Dandan Song
- Hongfei Zhao
- Jun Guo
- Shu Zhang
- Jiusheng Wang
- Zhengyong Zhang
- Yongxin Wang
Atom User Reviews
Quite simply, House of Flying Daggers is a film that sets several new standards for production and entertainment values. It is a wild riot of color, music, passion, action, mystery, pure old-fashioned thrills and even dancing.
Phil Hall
Film Threat
A glorious new addition to martial-arts cinema.
Kirk Honeycutt
The Hollywood Reporter
Forget Hero -- that cult hit was just Zhang Yimou's warm-up for this martial-arts fireball that throws in a lyrical love story, head-spinning fights and dazzling surprises.
Peter Travers
Rolling Stone
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