Hot Rod
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Self-proclaimed stuntman Rod Kimble is preparing for the jump of his life - to clear fifteen buses to raise money for his abusive stepfather Frank's life-saving heart operation.
- Andy Samberg
- Isla Fisher
- Andy Samberg
- Jorma Taccone
- Jorma Taccone
- Sissy Spacek
- Bill Hader
- Bill Hader
- Danny R. McBride
- Isla Fisher
- Ian McShane
- Sissy Spacek
- Will Arnett
- Ian McShane
- Chris Parnell
- Will Arnett
- Chester Tam
- Chris Parnell
- Chester Tam
Atom User Reviews
Hot Rod is a stupid movie about stupid people doing stupid things.
Marjorie Baumgarten
Austin Chronicle
Unfortunately, the gags start to wear thin shortly around the 15-minute mark, not to mention the fact that they pale in comparison to the real-life indignities endured by the members of the Jackass crew.
Frank Scheck
The Hollywood Reporter
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