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Hellraiser (Remastered)

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Movie Info & Cast


Go back to where it all started. Stephen King was once famously quoted as saying, “I have seen the future of horror… his name is Clive Barker.” That future was realized in 1987 with the release of Barker’s directorial debut Hellraiser. Based on his own novella The Hellbound Heart, Barker’s Hellraiser sees Larry (Andrew Robinson) and his wife Julia (Clare Higgins) move into their new home, unaware that something evil lurks beneath the floorboards of the dilapidated house – something that wants human blood… Introducing the world to the iconic Pinhead and his sadistic band of Cenobites, Hellraiser became an instant genre classic upon release and remains one of the most frighteningly original visions in horror.

This release will feature the newly remastered 4K version of the film, as well as an archival interview Under the Skin: Doug Bradley on Hellraiser where the iconic actor discusses his first appearance as ‘Pinhead.’


  • Andrew Robinson
  • Clare Higgins
  • Ashley Laurence
  • Sean Chapman
  • Oliver Smith
  • Robert Hines
  • Anthony Allen
  • Leon Davis
  • Michael Cassidy
  • Frank Baker

Atom User Reviews

5.0 out of 5



This is a movie without wit, style or reason, and the true horror is that actors were made to portray, and technicians to realize, its bankruptcy of imagination.

Metacritic review by Roger Ebert
Roger Ebert
Chicago Sun-Times

Utterly bizarre and entirely ridiculous – and yet effective, an imaginative Guignol festival, like the goriest of soap operas, in which one wrong move opens a portal to hell.

Metacritic review by Peter Bradshaw
Peter Bradshaw
The Guardian