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Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban (Fathom 2025)

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Movie Info & Cast


Prisoner of AzkabanHarry, Ron and Hermione return as teenagers for a third term at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But Harry's fate, and that of the entire community of wizards, looks bleak when the infamous Sirius Black escapes from prison. This Fathom Fan Favorites release will feature a special introduction from cinema legend Leonard Maltin.


  • Daniel Radcliffe
  • Richard Griffiths
  • Pam Ferris
  • Fiona Shaw
  • Harry Melling
  • Adrian Rawlins
  • Geraldine Somerville
  • Lee Ingleby
  • Rupert Grint
  • Emma Watson

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A deeper, darker, visually arresting and more emotionally satisfying adaptation of the J.K. Rowling literary phenomenon, achieving the neat trick of remaining faithful to the spirit of the book while at the same time being true to its cinematic self.

Metacritic review by Michael Rechtshaffen
Michael Rechtshaffen
The Hollywood Reporter

Not only is this dazzler by far the best and most thrilling of the three Harry Potter movies to date, it's a film that can stand on its own even if you never heard of author J.K. Rowling and her young wizard hero.

Metacritic review by Peter Travers
Peter Travers
Rolling Stone