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Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone 3D (Fathom 2025)

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  • Fathom Fan Favourites Release Trailer
  • Fathom Fan Favorites Release Trailer

Movie Info & Cast


For the first time in the US, Philosopher’s Stone will be presented in 3D. Based on the first of J.K. Rowling’s popular children’s novels about Harry Potter, the live-action family adventure film Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone tells the story of a boy who learns on his 11th birthday that he is the orphaned son of two powerful wizards and possesses unique magical powers of his own. This Fathom Fan Favorites release will feature a special introduction from cinema legend Leonard Maltin.


  • Richard Harris
  • Maggie Smith
  • Robbie Coltrane
  • Saunders Triplets
  • Daniel Radcliffe
  • Fiona Shaw
  • Harry Melling
  • Richard Griffiths
  • Rupert Grint
  • Emma Watson

Atom User Reviews

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Potter-philes are sure to get what they want -- if what they want is, in fact, an exacting version of J.K. Rowling's charming children's fantasy. If it's enchantment they are after, that's quite another matter.

Metacritic review by Rita Kempley
Rita Kempley
Washington Post

It’s still a very entertaining and spectacular movie, with a rush of nostalgia to go alongside the exhilaration of fun.

Metacritic review by Peter Bradshaw
Peter Bradshaw
The Guardian

The film, while slavishly faithful, contains little innovative juice outside of its visual richness.

Metacritic review by Kirk Honeycutt
Kirk Honeycutt
The Hollywood Reporter