Gran Torino
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After a Hmong teenager tries to steal his prized 1972 Gran Torino, a disgruntled, prejudiced Korean War veteran seeks to redeem both the boy and himself.
- Clint Eastwood
- Christopher Carley
- Bee Vang
- Ahney Her
- Brian Haley
- Geraldine Hughes
- Dreama Walker
- Brian Howe
- John Carroll Lynch
- William Hill
Atom User Reviews
Eastwood has always had the gift for comedy in his acting repertoire, but he indulges in it only rarely. His fans might embrace this return to comedy.
Kirk Honeycutt
The Hollywood Reporter
Highlighted by the star's vastly entertaining performance, this funny, broad but ultimately serious-minded drama about an old-timer driven to put things right in his deteriorating neighborhood looks to be a big audience-pleaser.
Todd McCarthy
A movie at once understated and radical, deceptively unremarkable in presentation and ballsy in its earnestness. Don't let the star's overly familiar squint fool you: This is subtle, perceptive stuff.
Lisa Schwarzbaum
Entertainment Weekly
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