Brainstorm (1983)
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Researchers develop a system where they can jump into people's minds. But when people involved bring their personal problems into the equation, it becomes dangerous - perhaps deadly.
- Christopher Walken
- Natalie Wood
- Louise Fletcher
- Cliff Robertson
- Jordan Christopher
- Donald Hotton
- Alan Fudge
- Joe Dorsey
- Bill Morey
- Jason Lively
Atom User Reviews
This is a good idea for a movie. Unfortunately, in Brainstorm it remains basically an idea. The characters take such a secondary importance to the gadget that we never feel much for them.
Roger Ebert
Chicago Sun-Times
However adversely it must have affected the morale of those involved in making Brainstorm, the death of Natalie Wood hasn't damaged the film. Her performance feels complete. Playing a more mature character than she had done before, Miss Wood brought hints of a greater sturdiness and depth to this role, which is pivotal but relatively small.
Janet Maslin
The New York Times
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