Art Trash Terror - Maniac (1977)
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This movie will be released on
Jan 25, 2025Videos & Photos
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From filmmaker, musician, former FANGORIA magazine editor-in-chief, DELIRIUM magazine co-founder/editor and CORMAN/POE author Chris Alexander comes ART! TRASH! TERROR!: Adventures in Strange Cinema, a new book from Headpress Publishing. To celebrate the release of the book, Cinelounge Sunset has teamed up with Alexander for thescreening series "Chris Alexander's ART! TRASH! TERROR! - Strange Cinema Celebration". Taking overthe theatre on January 25 th and 26 th , Alexander has curated a series of wild cult, horror and exploitation movies - including one of his own - and will read from his book while also welcoming some of his famous friends to the show to introduce the screenings and engage in lively, edifying Q&As.
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