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- Chloe Bennet
- Albert Tsai
- Tenzing Norgay Trainor
- Sarah Paulson
- Michelle Wong
Atom User Reviews
Very funny, and not as cheesy as I thought it would be. Great message, fantastic soundtrack, and beautiful locales. Perfect movie for you and the kids, or if you’re looking for a light-hearted movie to reset your cold dead heart.
There was something truly beautiful about this movie and for that, I'd give it a million stars
If you like E.T. and Bumblebee, chance are you’ll have a good time with this slightly homogenous but sweet-natured kids’ adventure.
There’s some gorgeous animation and impeccable camerawork on display here. But as George Lucas’ 2015 fiasco Strange Magic demonstrated, beautifully executed visuals will get you only so far. There’s no emotional core to Abominable, which mostly proceeds at a glacial pace as the travelers’ journey across China.
It’s never too early to introduce your kids to the magic and emotion of the monster movie.