A24 X IMAX Present: Talk To Me
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When a group of friends discover how to conjure spirits using an embalmed hand, they become hooked on the new thrill, until one of them goes too far and unleashes terrifying supernatural forces.
- Ari McCarthy
- Hamish Phillips
- Kit Erhart-Bruce
- Sarah Brokensha
- Jayden Davison
- Sunny Johnson
- Sophie Wilde
- Marcus Johnson
- Kidaan Zelleke
- James Oliver
Atom User Reviews
Jul 26, 2023
A stylish, well-crafted piece of filmmaking that marks the auspicious arrival of twin Australian filmmakers Michael and Danny Philippou.
Mark Kennedy
The Associated Press
Jul 26, 2023
Talk to Me is hardly a bad horror film, but the disconnect between what was and what could be looms large over the final act.

Matthew Monagle
Austin Chronicle
Jul 24, 2023
Although the movie’s energies dip slightly toward its end, when Mia’s plan to rid the world of the cursed hand requires superhuman acts of strength and derring-do, Talk to Me delivers a series of slash-and-burn shocks that last far longer than 90 seconds.

Barry Hertz
The Globe and Mail (Toronto)
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