A Clockwork Orange
Movie Details
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- Trailer 1 (01:00)
- Trailer for A Clockwork Orange - Two-Disc Anniversary Edition Blu-ray Book Packaging (02:09)
Movie Info & Cast
- Malcolm McDowell
- Patrick Magee
- Michael Bates
- Warren Clarke
- John Clive
- Adrienne Corri
- Carl Duering
- Paul Farrell
- Clive Francis
- Michael Gover
Atom User Reviews
A Clockwork Orange ultimately asks: how deep is sin’s hold—on Alex, and on us? This being a Kubrick film—and considering that it leaves us with Beethoven’s Ninth triumphantly, transgressively ringing once more in Alex’s ears, after a fall from a window knocks the Ludovico out of him—the movie doesn’t seem to think humanity is worthy of an answer. To A Clockwork Orange, we’re all droogs at heart.
Granted, the gratuitous nature of the hyper-violence is not for everyone’s stomach, including mine in moments. What is undeniable is the rigour to which Kubrick conducted his creative team, actors and himself to offer a new approach to filmmaking. As Burgess wrote in the novel “The colours of the real world only seem really real when you watch them on a screen” wholeheartedly matches Kubrick’s graphically engaging ninth feature.