8 Women (8 femmes)
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A man is murdered in an isolated chalet, and the eight female residents are all suspects; their secrets are revealed as they try to determine who is guilty.
- Catherine Deneuve
- Isabelle Huppert
- Emmanuelle Béart
- Fanny Ardant
- Virginie Ledoyen
- Danielle Darrieux
- Ludivine Sagnier
- Firmine Richard
Atom User Reviews
An ebullient toast to grande dames: part homage, part camp, all artifice and a thoroughly entertaining, if light, confection.
Loren King
Chicago Tribune
Whatever you call this one-of-a-kind bonbon spiked with wit and malice, it's classic oo-la-la.
Peter Travers
Rolling Stone
The result is weightless entertainment that's both camp and true, a warped adoration of star-quality actresses as amazing creatures who can project the lives of fictional characters as well as the essence of their own fabulous selves.
Lisa Schwarzbaum
Entertainment Weekly
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